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Hi, I’m Ellie

I’m so excited to teach you the magic I’ve learned of stepping into sovereignty over your pleasure, sex and desire, so you can become the woman who can have the intimacy you deeply crave (that no one outside of yourself can give to you).

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Hanging out in my journaling nook with my dog,____.


Not believing I could hold onto a successful, healthy partnership


“Where do you experience the most pleasure in your day?”

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 We live in a society that has taught women to live disconnected from our pleasure, desires, and as a result, our true power.

I spent my twenties building a multi-million dollar network marketing business sharing a health product I love, with a downline of thousands of people all around the world.

My business was my boyfriend, and while I loved what I was doing, I was in hustle-mode all the time, and struggled with dating and relationships. I knew I would end up depleted, burned out and alone if I stayed on this path. However, my need for approval kept me stuck where I was and unwilling to truly live my own life.

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I also had a secret: I could not have orgasms and would fake it every time I was in bed with a man.

It wasn’t until I discovered personal growth work focused on intimacy and sexuality that my healing journey began.

I learned that It was so freeing to discover that I was not alone in this. I immersed myself in retreats and programs designed to help me dissolve the barriers that had been blocking me from living the life I truly wanted.

Through this work, I stopped expecting a man to give me what I couldn’t give to myself, threw away the vibrator, and finally discovered my body’s needs and wants, and how to communicate them with my partner.

I healed my people-pleasing tendencies and stopped needing approval from my mom and dad, especially around what I do for work and where I spend my money. I discovered my soul’s work, shifted out of hustle-mode and magnetized abundance from alignment, instead of effort.

I opened to receive more pleasure than I ever knew was possible, and I no longer fake orgasms!!


I’ve finally found a path to self-

understanding that’s empowered me to build a

powerful life of my creation with the man I love.

And I’m here to share what I’ve learned with you!

Let me show you the tangible tools and lessons that have helped me transform my life, community, and relationships. Life is too short to feel stunted in our ability to know—and get—what we truly want!



Hanging out in my journaling nook with my dog,____.


Not believing I could hold onto a successful, healthy partnership


“Where do you experience the most pleasure in your day?”